How to Fold Baby Clothes? - Free Birdees

How to Fold Baby Clothes?

Folding baby clothes may seem like a mundane task, but it's an important one. When you're done folding, your little one's clothes will be neat and organized, making them easier to find when it comes time to dress your baby for the day. In this article, we'll show you how to fold baby clothes correctly so that they last longer and look great!

The KonMari Folding Method for Baby Clothes

The KonMari folding method for clothes is a simple way that shows how to fold baby clothes for travel. If you have been wondering how to fold baby clothes to save space , this is best style since it saves time, space and keeps your little one's outfits organized. All you need is a hanger or two (as many as you have of the clothing type being folded) and some sort of tissue paper. Here are the steps:

Make sure your surface is clean and flat

If you're folding clothes on a bed, make sure the sheets are pulled back, and there is nothing underneath that can cause wrinkles. If your folding space is a bit too small for this, you may want to move the laundry basket or other furniture to create some extra room. You don't want to do a lot of folding over crumbs or other little messes, so get the dust off your table and make sure it is clean.

Layout a few sheets of tissue paper

The number will depend on how many hangers you have. If you are doing all five items at once, just layout 2-3 pieces of tissue paper. These can be any color, pattern, or design. We like using white because it shows through better in pictures! Whether you use two pieces or ten pieces depends on what your folding area looks like!

Flatten the Garment as you Fold

It's important to start with the garment in its proper shape. After you've folded the item once, lay it flat and press out any wrinkles or kinks. If stubborn creases don't come out, don't be afraid to rehang your clothes and iron them! Folding clothes over accumulated crumbs is a recipe for disaster (especially if you're trying to fold baby clothes), so take a couple of minutes now to make sure your surfaces are clean and all the garments are ready to go.

The end product should stand on its own

Folding baby pajamas and other clothes is much like folding clothing for adults, except there are a few extra steps to ensure that the clothing items will look great when you put them on your child. The hanger should be placed forward and up in this case (as opposed to pointing down) because there is nothing underneath the fold of fabric to hold it in place. Make sure that the item can stand by itself! It's important that not only your folded garments be pretty, but also have staying power!

Fold each piece in half

The majority of baby clothes are onesies or single pieces of fabric with sleeves or legs attached. For these items, simply do a gentle fold from top to bottom. If you want an extra-neat fold, be sure to line up the shoulder seams as you go.

Flatten from top to bottom

For baby pajamas, pants and leggings, you should be starting with an item that has two legs. Fold each leg over along its seam. Make sure the legs are lined up with the waistband at the bottom, then do a gentle fold until you reach the top of the waistband from both sides. This is not an easy task on your own - you may want to enlist some help for this one! If there is still bunching in the crotch area, try pulling on each end to overlap slightly where they meet. It will look more like a straight line than a V shape when it's done correctly!

How to Fold Onesies on KonMari Style

The best way to fold baby onesies is by placing the onesie facing down. Fold both arms up and make a slight fold at the shoulder area. Fold the onesie in half from left to right, ensuring no openings or unfolded parts inside. Make sure you line up the neckline as well.

Now, carefully lift the onesie by holding it at two sides and placing it on an outstretched tissue paper. Since this will get folded later, make sure that you overlap it with another one(possibly 2-3 pieces). Flatten additional folds, if any forms, after placing them on top of tissue paper (if needed), and leave it be until all your clothes are finished folding!

How to Fold Baby Shirts

Start off by folding the fabric of your baby's shirt towards its inside. Fold each arm up and make a slight fold at the shoulder area. Fold the shirt in half from left to right, ensuring no openings or unfolded parts inside. Make sure you line up the neckline as well. Now, carefully lift the shirt by holding it at two sides and placing it on an outstretched tissue paper. Flatten additional folds if any forms after placing them on top of tissue paper (if needed) and leave it be until all your clothes are finished folding!

After your baby's items are finished folding, put them into a drawer or a storage box (depending upon your preference - we love using plastic drawers like these.) The trick to organizing baby clothes is to have everything in one place so that you will always know where each item is at a moment's notice!

How to Fold Pants Using KonMari Style

Place your pants on top of an outstretched tissue paper (or several, depending upon the length) and lay it flat. Fold each pant leg over along its seam. Make sure the legs are lined up with the waistband at the bottom, then do a gentle fold until you reach the top of the waistband from both sides. This is not an easy task on your own - you may want to enlist some help for this one! If there is still bunching in the crotch area, try pulling on each end to overlap slightly where they meet. It will look more like a straight line than a V shape when it's done correctly!

How To Fold Baby Dresses

Folding baby dresses can be challenging because most of them are lacy and delicate. Start off by folding the dress from top to bottom. Do a gentle fold, making sure that you line up the shoulder seams as you go.

Folding baby dresses can be challenging because most of them are lacy and delicate. Start off by folding the dress from top to bottom. Do a gentle fold, making sure that you line up the shoulder seams as you go. Make sure it's neatly folded, so nothing sticks out when placed in a drawer or storage box! If there's extra fabric on either side of the neckline, gently press down on each side until everything is smooth and compacted into one neat little package!

How To Fold Baby Socks and Underwears Using

Like the other items for your baby, underwear should also be folded neatly and placed in its designated storage box/drawer. Never dump them into one big pile! This will only make it difficult to find what you're looking for when you need it.

For those who prefer to store your folded clothes in boxes, simply use the same folding techniques as above and put all items into the box together. Make sure to leave room for baby shoes/socks, accessories, or swaddling blankets as well (if needed.)

How to fold newborn clothes using Traditional Folding Method

A lot of you might already know how to fold clothes the "old-fashioned way," but here's a refresher for all of you DIYers out there!

Step One

Gather all of your baby's clothes. Lay them out on the floor in a row to face you and end with what will be put into their dresser drawers first. For example, start at one side of the room with pajamas or underwear and work your way across to socks next if you want to fold socks first.

Step Two

Fold each piece of clothing in thirds so that it's a rectangle shape instead of a square, leaving the drawers open for easy access when you're looking for what you need since it has free birdees. Place them on top of one another with the folded edge at the bottom and facing towards your direction (e.g., if you're standing at the dresser, the fold should be facing towards your feet).

Step Three

Gather a section of children pajamas and clothes and place them in their drawer so that they are all one layer deep. If there is not enough room to do this, go back to step two and start again with what's leftover until each piece of clothing has been folded and placed in their drawer

Step Four

When you're done with the last layer of children pajamas and clothes that need to be organized, place a flat sheet on top so that it covers all the items below it. Then fold this over again until the whole thing is left as one neat stack on your dresser or bed for easy access.

How to Fold Baby Clothes in Dresser: 5 Hacks For Folding Baby Clothes

Yes, I like the KonMari style, but other people may like another folding method. The following five hacks will help you in folding your baby clothes correctly.

Bib Roll-Up Method

Bibs are often bulky and thick. Not only that but they can also be stained easily by baby food. Here's a simple trick from Jessica at Borrowed & Blue to keep them neat and tidy in your diaper bag or drawer.

Take your bib and roll it up, tucking the long part into itself so that it creates one long tube of fabric. Then lay it down horizontally on top of all of the other items. This will save you space when packing for trips or storing your baby's clothes in drawers!

Fold Flat Clothes instead of Rolling

For small things like socks, underwear, or drawstring pants, take a second to fold them flat instead of rolling them all up together. It will save you a lot of space and easily fit into your drawers since it has free birdees! You may want to label each item with a permanent marker so that your baby can identify them later on.

Use Hanger Bags for Bulky Materials

If you haven't heard of this genius hack yet, I'm going to fill you in! Hanger bags are a great way to store bulky clothing materials like receiving blankets, burp rags, swaddling blankets, or any other large items. You can find them at most stores (Target, Walmart, and Babies R Us all carry them.)

Use Binder Rings for Clutching Tiny Pieces

Some toddler pajamas and clothes need special attention when folding. If you have tiny pieces that seem sparse and lonely in your drawers, gather them together using binder rings. Each ring has an elastic band on the inside, which allows it to be stretched open easily – just slip your baby's socks, booties, or wrist warmers into the band before you close them back up!

Store Your Outfits in Zip-Top Bags

If you have been wondering how to store baby clothes, zip-top bags are perfect for storing your baby's outfits. When it comes time to use them, simply dump the entire thing out and hang whatever you need on the hanger (or put him/her in their clothing.) To save even more space, all of these hacks can be combined together as well. I love to store my baby clothes in plastic zip-top bags! When it comes time to pack for trips or go through laundry, dumping everything out of a bag makes things so much easier! You'll know exactly where every item is, too – just make sure that any delicate materials are neatly laid flat on top of everything else.


Folding your baby clothes is not an easy task. Over time, you'll get the hang of it and be able to fold all your items uniformly quickly. You'll also discover that certain clothing is easier than others to fold – some are just better when rolled up! You may even start to develop your own folding tricks as the years go on. Bamboo clothing will be your best choice for the baby if you want to create a safer and healthier environment while also creating toddler pajamas that last longer than the average kids' clothing brand. In addition, bamboo baby clothes fabric is super soft, breathable, and eco-friendly. Bamboo baby clothes fabrics are more resistant to shrinking, so they have the same size after washing as they were before.